the inseperable energy of

The Physical and Spiritual

A poignant statement I once heard “there’s a fine line between an adventure and an ordeal”.  I have crossed the line many times on my journey.  I have gone so far over it sometimes I wasn’t sure I could get back.  Like the time I broke my back and realised it was also my spirit that had been broken. The adventure of learning to be a road cyclist became an ordeal when I trained and rode in the World Masters.  I learned how to climb the mountains life offered me (metaphorically) and found out that true success was was being able to come down from the top and climb again – the learning is in both the climbing and the falling.

With a strong focus on health and wellbeing from very early in my career I felt there were answers to my questions to be found elsewhere.  At just 21 I turned to the spiritual teachings of Rudolf Steiner and the subject of Anthroposophy.  Building on these theosophical studies I trained in transcendental meditation and began instituing daily rituals into my day that strengthened me. Three decades of daily spiritual practice has sustained me and I know I could not have achieved my goals nor fulfilled my dreams without this deep connection to the inner world of spirit that has given me both grace and resilience.



Many people are now realising that the physical world, science and what we once perceived as reality has its limitations. Over the years, my appearance has changed, the conditions in which I lived altered with each move or culture I worked in, my bank balance has fluctuated, my waist line has diminished and increased many times over. But one thing for certain on this journey is that my value system has not altered, nor has my commitment to make a difference in the world.

In the words of Mahatma Ghandi “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.

Over the years with so many shifts and changes there have been two things that seemed to get stronger and stronger – my values  (I knew more and more every day what was important to me and to live by that) and my self-esteem as a woman deepened (I knew that my sense of worth was not dependant upon the opionions and judgements of others). I once thought that transformation was trying to make a better version of me, that there was something to fix or change. I now know that transformation is about changing ‘the form’  but not the value and this means changing the conditions and structures that confine us. We can invent our lives and be a part of the process, or we can stand still and do nothing and ‘life’ will happen to us either way.